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Friday, February 12, 2010

If you don't know where you are going... are you going to ensure that you arrive somewhere you like?

I have just completed a training course on energy healing. Intention Focused Therapy (IFT). I have been reminded about a number of things that I knew I knew. One of them is that we are all co-creators of our life. If we look around ourselves, we can see all the people and things that we have helped bring into our living sphere. The thing is: how did we create that? Did we notice what we were doing? What other life do we really want to create?

Just by asking the questions we can get the sense of empowerment because, all of a sudden it stops being a question of helplessly witnessing events taking place and it becomes a matter of taking deliberate action to awaken our resources and putting them to work to their full potential. Simple, huh?

I have allowed things to happen, there is no question about that. I have permitted into my life, things that I would have rejected if I had been aware.

This is my commitment to myself: From now on, I am an active agent in the co-creation of my best life. With intention and focus. I am connecting to the Universal Source and asking for what I want in my life. I am practicing Intention Focused Therapy for my benefit and that of others.

With intention and focus from heart centered consciousness.

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